Planting and Sustaining a Church (Financially)

How do I plant or sustain a church if there is not enough money from tithes and offerings?

Learn alternate financial models for churches and church plants that do not depend upon tithes and offerings alone. This workshop builds creative confidence for church leaders who are looking for ways to stay financially viable and missionally vibrant. Six options are presented along with context specific factors for each option to help you acquire strategies and practices to get you where you need to go.


Jay Moon

Jay served 13 years as a missionary with SIM, largely in Ghana, West Africa among the Builsa people focusing on church planting and water development. He is presently a Professor of Evangelism & Church Planting and Director of the Office of Faith, Work, and Economics at Asbury Theological Seminary. He authored six books, and edited four books, including Entrepreneurial Church Planting: Innovative Approaches to Engage the Marketplace. He is a frequent speaker on areas of church planting, evangelism, and marketplace mission. In addition to his role as a teaching pastor in a local church plant, Jay holds a Professional Engineer’s license and his MBA focused on social entrepreneurship.


Funding New Churches


Reflections on Church Planting – Part 7