Disciple Making Movements & Church Planting Webinar

Over the last few years, interest has been growing in Disciple Making Movements (DMM). DMMs are networks of small groups that are focused on discipleship and mission. There are many examples of DMMs in the Global South and emerging examples in Europe and North America.

This seminar explored two models of Disciple Making Movements (one of which is a hybrid model) and looked at examples of how this form of church and church planting might be relevant to the church in the UK.

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Rodrigo Cano

Rodrigo is part of the pastoral team of Community Christian Church in Chicagoland USA. He was born in Mexico and has previously planted a multi-cultural Spanish speaking congregation in West Michigan. In 2018 he moved to Aurora IL to lead one of the nine locations of Community Christian Church and he is also in charge of Community Church’s effort to launch micro-expressions of the church which are called 3C Communities.

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Peter Dunn

Peter is a Baptist minister and experienced church planter. After working for Baptist Mission Society World Mission for a decade he joined the leadership team of Biglife, a Disciple Making Movement (DMM). He has specific responsibility for Europe and is based in Yorkshire in partnership with the Yorkshire Baptist Association. Peter is seeking to share and apply the fruitful principles of DMM from the world church in the UK and wider European context.

Recommended Resources

Resources Recommended by Rodrigo:



Resources recommended by Peter:

  • T4T (Training for Trainers) – written by Steve Smith and Ying Kai. Ying Kai is one of the early practitioners in a Chinese house church context. There is both narrative and also explanation. As with all books, each comes with its own leaning and emphasis that will differ from others, although the principles largely remain the same. T4T is an older book that was in some ways leading the pack, but thinking has evolved since it was published.

  • Zume - Disciple Making Movement Training - Online DMM Training - Zume Training This is an online DMM training package developed by Biglife and others.

  • Curtis Sergeant is one of the father figures in the movements across the world and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKxcWR58Jbg&list=PLtMNe_ry3iGBIE4fqiCyoZIu7-XU_gLh8&index=1 is the link to the series of videos from him. Curtis has also written a book called “The Only One” which is packed full with nuggets on discipleship and movements.

  • Contagious Disciple Making (David and Paul Watson) – This tells the story of an early DMM in India as well as highlighting the underlying principles and practices.

  • Church Planting Movements (David Garrison) – This gives a global overview as well as some valuable lessons.

  • From Megachurch to Multiplication (Chris Galanos) – a story from the states of a movement from within an existing church context to embrace DMM – at present there is little written by people trying to apply DMM among indigenous Western culture. Galanos refers to the book ‘Spent Matches’ by Roy Moran as being significant in his own journey with DMM. Whilst written from a US perspective it is a helpful read from a context with a significant church heritage.

  • The Kingdom Unleashed (Jerry Trousdale) – This gives an historic overview and draws on a number of stories from across the world relating to DMMs.

  • Steve Addison has written a number of books relating to DMM over the years.

  • Dann Spader – ‘Four Chair Discipling’, ‘Live like Jesus’ and ‘Walk like Jesus’ are great resources looking at how Jesus made disciples who made disciples.




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